Monday, June 24, 2013


While I was at home, with "nothing" to do, I started making wreaths, out of an old Baptist Hymnal.  I made a large one for a friend, had some pages left over, so I made a smaller one for us. I still had pages left over.  I ended up making 3 small ones, each had a different type of center. The small ones I made on leftover CD's, it worked perfect, the circle in the middle made a perfect stopping point, for the center.  I might have to go Hymnal shopping at the used bookstores or at thrift shops.  If you have one you don't want anymore, I could try it for an all ready made wreath!  I am thinking of other things to do with the left over pages (covering a candle, adding to handmade cards, bookmarks, etc.)
Any suggestions?

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